Steph Jackson
On this website you will find all the programs you can sign up for to help you get your gut health restored and getting your that vibrant life you deserve.
Core Reset
Not available yet
Functional Probiotics
Learn more about Functional Probiotics
Cultured Christmas
Not available yet
About Steph
Steph Jackson, ex-yogurt maker now called the Gut Whisperer by her clients, gives you valuable resources for digestive health. She advocates using probiotic bacteria functionally in consideration of your own biochemistry and the whole digestive bacterial colonies in order to achieve optimal health. After doing the research to build her non-dairy yogurt company she could not keep quiet about some of the things she discovered and is now using her experience in education and curriculum design to put together programs teaching others this unique information. If you suspect your body is out of balance and not getting what it needs you may be surprised how intricately our digestive bacteria are connected to our food and our overall health. She always says she is wishing you vibrant health and the freedom to live it, and she means it.